How to create a ChatGPT Chatbot for your Zendesk Help Center

If you’re a Zendesk admin or Customer Support Head at your organisation, I’m pretty sure you’ve thought ‘we should use this for customer support’ after interacting with ChatGPT. Well, we’ve built just that for you. A super simple way for you to create a ChatGPT powered chatbot that has all your help center articles. Want…

If you’re a Zendesk admin or Customer Support Head at your organisation, I’m pretty sure you’ve thought ‘we should use this for customer support’ after interacting with ChatGPT. Well, we’ve built just that for you. A super simple way for you to create a ChatGPT powered chatbot that has all your help center articles. Want to learn more on how we can help? Just visit

Want a ChatGPT powered chatbot for your Zendesk Help Center? Just request a free demo at

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