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Refunds & Cancellations

AGZ Technologies Private Limited reserves the right to not accept or cancel your subscription. AGZ TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED shall reach a decision after verifying the validity of such claim, and reserves the right to suspend Your account pending such decision. Any decision reached by AGZ TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED shall be final and binding, and shall not be subject to review.

Claims may be entertained on the grounds that your account contains content that is:

  1. harmful, offensive, insensitive, inaccurate, falsely misrepresents, or otherwise damages the reputation of the Website;
  2. contrary to the applicable laws of India;
  3. deceives clients about the identity or activities of the User or misleads the clients about the origin of the materials posted 
  4. consists of any material that infringes the intellectual property, right of privacy or right of publicity of any other person, or otherwise purports to be under license from the owner when no license has been issued;
  5. harasses or advocates the harassment of another person;
  6. promotes illegal activity or conduct that is abusive, threatening, obscene, defamatory, or libellous;
  7. offensive to an extent that would cause AGZ TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED to lose the support of its suppliers and/or stakeholders.

Services provided by AGZ TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED are non-refundable, and You agree and consent to the same. AGZ TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED provides that it will take all necessary steps to rectify any issues or errors that arise during Your use of the Website, upon notification of the same by You. If AGZ TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED comes to the conclusion that the issue or error cannot be resolved and has arisen by AGZ TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED’s sole fault, then AGZ TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED may choose to refund the amount paid, if any, for the service purchased. All decisions in this regard by AGZ TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED shall be final and binding, and shall not be subject to review.

Happy customers and their Success Stories

Better support. Happier Customers. Improved Loyalty.

See Macha AI in action


Most shoppers want an Amazon-like support experience, which is 'self-serve'


Customers are more likely to make another purchase after a good support experience


Customers want good support to feel loyalty towards a brand